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Unique thoughts devlogs
May 08, 2023
This game has been a rollercoaster for me. I have been making many changes over the past few weeks. I have really made sure everything runs smoothly for users to play. I want my gamers to have the bes...
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Project Dev Log 10
May 01, 2023
In the final week, I am proud to say my game is fully completed and is ready to play. I was able to fix all the critical bugs and obstacles. Users can now download the game and play without facing any...
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Project Dev Log 09
April 24, 2023
This week, I was able to actually play the game to detect any errors or mistakes in the game. So far, I was able to catch some minor bugs and I fixed them. I added a few new obstacles as the players k...
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Project Dev Log 08
April 15, 2023
Hello guys, I was able to add new updates to the game. The credits and homepage look more updated. I added a few improvements to it. I attached a credit page to the devlog. It includes my name and cop...
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Project Dev Log 07
April 02, 2023
This week I was able to add a new effect to the screen display. Also, I was able to add the player movement to the game. I added a picture to the devlog to show the gameplay. Overall, the game is goin...
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New Update on You Can't Hide
March 26, 2023
I am in the process of developing the title screen for the game. I recently had trouble with my game. I lost all my assets and files for the game. I had to restart everything from scratch. Later on, I...
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Update 5 on You can't Hide
March 22, 2023
So far I am stuck on developing the characters. I haven't really made anymore improvements on the building. I have been focusing on the bugs and fixes. I also focused more on building the ramps, villa...
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2/26 Updates and Bugs/Fixes
March 22, 2023
Hello guys, this week I took time to make sure I made huge progress on my game. I want to make sure I fix any bugs and issues I come across. Creating your own game can be a rewarding and challenging p...
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Update on You can't Hide
March 22, 2023
So far, I have created the main menu and the features that come along with it. I have adjusted the layout and how it will look on a screen. I have also decided to NPCs along the process. I also want t...
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You can't Hide
March 22, 2023
I am announcing the first game that I will be creating with Godot. The name is You Can't Hide. The storyline and resources are still in development. I am in the process of finalizing everything. The g...
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2/19 Update on You can't Hide
March 22, 2023
So far I have created the characters and I am working on the player movement. I haven't really decided if I want to continue on this game. I may start it all over and choose a different concept. I hav...
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